
Depen­den­cy and con­sis­ten­cy of React Native devel­op­ment services

26 Mar 2021

React Native is the lat­est frame­work that was invent­ed by Face­book in 2015. It is an open-source appli­ca­tion that works on JavaScript Thread. React Native is invent­ed for mobile appli­ca­tions to make them run fast and retrieve all the data quick­ly. React Native can be used on all oper­at­ing sys­tems IOS, macOS, Android, Android tv, Win­dows, and the Web. It is used by many com­pa­nies that pro­vide React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices to clients. Even, For­tune 500 com­pa­nies like Face­book, Bloomberg, Airbnb, Skype, Pin­ter­est, and Insta­gram have start­ed using the React Native frame­work to improve the per­for­mance of their mobile applications.

Ear­li­er, React’s frame­work was used for devel­op­ing mobile appli­ca­tions. React’s frame­work was built on JavaScript that sup­port­ed the Doc­u­ment Object Mod­el. Mobile appli­ca­tions built on React frame­work were unable to recov­er data instant­ly. It also hin­dered the speed of mobile appli­ca­tions. Face­book want­ed to rec­ti­fy this issue, so they thought to use React Native frame­work. Face­book was already using this frame­work to man­age its adver­tise­ments. They knew the capa­bil­i­ties of the React Native frame­work. The base of the frame­work used is React’s frame­work with few changes in addi­tion­al fea­tures. This helps devel­op­ers to devel­op appli­ca­tions with more facilities.

The spe­cial­ty of React Native Platform

The spe­cial­ty of React Native plat­form is that it is cross-plat­form. This means that it can be used across any plat­form with the same pro­gram­ming lan­guage. With the same base of pro­gram­ming lan­guage, an appli­ca­tion can be launched on all oper­at­ing sys­tems. Nowa­days, pop­u­lar oper­at­ing sys­tems are IOS and Android. Every com­pa­ny wants their appli­ca­tion to be avail­able on both oper­at­ing sys­tems because the num­ber of users is more for Apple and Android. It helps the devel­op­er also as the ini­tial step is com­mon for any oper­at­ing sys­tem. They have to work on the next step, Cod­ing as sep­a­rate­ly. It is dif­fer­ent for Apple and Andri­od. Apple appli­ca­tions work on Swift code lan­guage only. An Android appli­ca­tion works on Java and Kotlin.

Also, React Native is not in the favour of Doc­u­ment Object Mod­el. Even though, both React and React Native work vir­tu­al­ly the same as a frame­work. With DOM, React Native does not sup­port the struc­ture. DOM’s main work is to shape the hier­ar­chy as per the struc­ture in the form of a tree. This hier­ar­chy of work is in an HTML doc­u­ment that needs to be trans­formed into a tree with all its elements.

Any React Native devel­op­ment com­pa­ny does not have to take per­mis­sion from Face­book, which is its orig­i­na­tor. Any devel­op­ment com­pa­ny has access to build an appli­ca­tion and pro­vide React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices to any com­pa­ny in the world. Since it is the lat­est tech­nol­o­gy to build any appli­ca­tion, every com­pa­ny wants to use it as every­one wants to stay updat­ed. Devel­op­ers also sug­gest and present the idea to their clients for any new appli­ca­tions. Devel­op­ers as a com­mu­ni­ty are very strong. They are always ready to help each oth­er and pro­vide solutions.

Prof­its of using React Native Platform

Con­sis­ten­cy — It is a con­sis­tent plat­form. The per­for­mance is much bet­ter than React plat­form. Ear­li­er, when Face­book was using React plat­form for its mobile appli­ca­tions then it faced many issues regard­ing its per­for­mance. The out­come was very poor. So, they decid­ed to do some­thing about this as users were not hap­py about this. Face­book being the num­ber one soft­ware com­pa­ny that has users from all parts of the world had to solve this issue. This is how React Native was launched world­wide as a cross-plat­form for mobile appli­ca­tions. It improved the per­for­mance and users were hap­py to use it. The speed, data back­up, and secu­ri­ty issues are fixed which made the appli­ca­tion safe to use.

Depen­den­cy — With improved per­for­mance and secu­ri­ty, users are more depen­dent on using the appli­ca­tions based on React Native plat­form. It has sat­is­fied users and giv­en them the con­fi­dence to React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices com­pa­ny to build more appli­ca­tions. React Native plat­form gives bet­ter solu­tions to clients. React Native is a depend­able plat­form that guar­an­tees the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty one expects from any application.

Easy access — It is an open-source plat­form. It is used by all the React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices com­pa­nies to devel­op appli­ca­tions with the best sup­port. An open-source plat­form means that all the access to data of the plat­form is unre­strict­ed and eas­i­ly accessible.

Less time-con­sum­ing — As told ear­li­er, React Native plat­form can be run on both plat­forms with a sim­i­lar pro­gram­ming lan­guage. Devel­op­ers do not have to devel­op dif­fer­ent plat­forms for the same appli­ca­tion to run on dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing sys­tems. It saves a lot of time than oth­er plat­forms. On oth­er plat­forms, every step from start to end has to be cre­at­ed sep­a­rate­ly which con­sumes a lot of time for any developer.

Devel­op­ers Rela­tion­ship – Devel­op­ers main­tain a strong rela­tion­ship with each oth­er. They share their expe­ri­ence, opin­ions, and con­tri­bu­tion to this plat­form. All the data of con­fig­u­ra­tion are shared on an open-source plat­form. This makes work easy for new or less expe­ri­enced devel­op­ers as this work requires a lot of knowl­edge to build an appli­ca­tion to get the expect­ed result. Senior devel­op­ers can guide their coun­ter­parts by shar­ing their data on this plat­form. Shar­ing of data also pre­vents pla­gia­rism. Eas­i­ly any devel­op­er can check the cod­ing used for sim­i­lar or dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions. This saves the devel­op­er from any kind of prob­lem that occurs in the future.

Read also: 6 Tools for Debug­ging React Native

Pop­u­lar pro­gram­ming lan­guage – React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices com­pa­ny builds appli­ca­tions on the pro­gram­ming lan­guage, JavaScript Thread. It is quite pop­u­lar among all the devel­op­ers and devel­op­ment com­pa­nies. This lan­guage is pop­u­lar because it’s a sim­pli­fied language.

Amend­ing Codes – React Native plat­forms’ codes can be eas­i­ly amend­ed as per the require­ment of the appli­ca­tion. Also, the codes are reusable for any oth­er appli­ca­tion in the future. Devel­op­ers can reuse the codes for appli­ca­tions that are sim­i­lar kinds of applications.

GPU – Graph­ics pro­cess­ing unit, GPU is the lat­est pro­cess­ing unit that is used by devel­op­ers nowa­days. Ear­li­er, they used to build an appli­ca­tion on a Cen­tral pro­cess­ing unit, CPU but now it is also upgrad­ed to GPU. All the web­site and mobile appli­ca­tion own­ers want lots of graph­ics on their appli­ca­tions. They want it to have all the graph­ic tools and graph­ic designs as well.
Best mon­e­tary option – It is the best option as it saves clients mon­ey also. The client does not have to pay for two dif­fer­ent plat­forms and appli­ca­tions. Appli­ca­tions for IOS and Android can use the same frame­work. This reduces clients’ expens­es to build any appli­ca­tion and also deliv­ery is quick­er than before.

Add-ons – React Native has all the capa­bil­i­ties of React frame­work for bet­ter per­for­mance. In addi­tion to this, React Native has more add-ons than React frame­work to build a bet­ter web or mobile appli­ca­tion. Its speed is faster than ever and offers more fea­tures that can be added to the appli­ca­tion. This also pro­vides more design tools. The design of the appli­ca­tion is an impor­tant aspect as it attracts users to down­load the appli­ca­tion. In React native frame­work, one has many options for design and can be creative.

Proof of depen­den­cy and con­sis­ten­cy of React Native devel­op­ment company

React Native plat­forms have weak­ness­es also. React Native Devel­op­ment ser­vices have to add on plu­g­ins from dif­fer­ent plat­forms as React Native also has lim­it­ed options for add-ons.
Open access to all the devel­op­ers and devel­op­ment com­pa­ny increas­es secu­ri­ty issues as all the data are shared on a pub­lic plat­form. Few com­pa­nies do not doc­u­ment their con­fig­u­ra­tion prop­er­ly. Test­ing is also not per­formed as per the guide­lines. This can be a threat to the users as it makes hack­ing easy.

The most con­cern­ing weak­ness are that only expe­ri­enced devel­op­ers can use React Native plat­form com­fort­ably. New or less expe­ri­ence will not be able to learn it quick­ly. This can shake devel­op­ers’ con­fi­dence and clients’ as well.

After all, these weak­ness­es, React Native plat­form can be depen­dent upon the React native devel­op­ment com­pa­ny and clients. As its per­for­mance is con­sis­tent and devel­op­ers are work­ing on its weak­ness. They are try­ing to remove all the appre­hen­sions and update it with all the desired fea­tures. This will make React Native plat­form a more used plat­form by com­pa­nies and increase its popularity.

One must not lose belief in tech­nol­o­gy and peo­ple work­ing to make it bet­ter for the con­ve­nience of our per­son­al and pro­fes­sion­al life.

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