
Which are the Best React Native Devel­op­ment tools?

17 Jan 2023

Before React Native, com­pa­nies used Java (for Android) and Swift/Objective‑C (for iOS). Thanks to the code reusabil­i­ty for iOS and Android, RN is con­sid­ered a god­send as it pro­vides a solu­tion for cross-app devel­op­ment. Some oth­er ben­e­fits of using React Native are:

  • High-speed devel­op­ment 
  • Sup­port from a vibrant community 
  • Cre­ation of Native like applications 
  • Easy addi­tion of third-par­ty plug-ins 

Apart from the tech­ni­cal­i­ties, some renowned busi­ness­es have tried and test­ed RN and have built the fol­low­ing apps using React Native:

  • Face­book 
  • Wal­mart 
  • Skype 
  • Dis­cord
  • Tes­la 
  • Bloomberg 

Let’s focus on why sev­er­al React Native com­po­nents are the best option for your busi­ness regard­ing mobile app development. 

The answer is React Dev­tools, react com­po­nents, excel­lent javascript library, and React Native is an open-source platform!

React Native plat­forms use some of the best devel­op­er tools for speedy and effi­cient mobile development. 

How do the React Native Devel­op­ment tools help run the app smoothly? 

  • Main­tain­ing codes, props, and state is accessible. 
  • Keep­ing the code­base con­sis­tent is effortless. 
  • The app deliv­ery process is fast and easy. 
  • Scal­ing Dev Team gets eas­i­er with react native init

This arti­cle will pro­vide you with a list of React devel­op­er tools you should pay atten­tion to for iOS and android devel­op­ment

11 best React Native Devel­op­ment Tools You Must Use

After learn­ing about the ben­e­fits of React Native and its Android Stu­dio tools, let’s look at some of the best native UI RN devel­op­ment tools. 


1) Ignite CLI 

react native app development tool - ignite CLI

Ignite CLI

Ignite CLI is an open-source tool devel­oped to serve as a co-pilot. It is a plug-in and boil­er­plate mak­er that lets you clean­ly start and quick­ly add and remove plu­g­ins from the project. All this is done while main­tain­ing the abil­i­ty to cus­tomize and learn from each item. 

Role of Ignite CLI 

It makes the pro­jec­t’s start­ing point easy by con­sol­i­dat­ing all the addi­tion­al assets as plu­g­ins. Plu­g­ins get PLUG-IN seam­less­ly to the appli­ca­tion using Ignite. 

Imple­men­ta­tion of third-par­ty libraries, tem­plates, and friend­ly work­flows that suit your busi­ness becomes easy. Ignite includes ser­vices for:

  • API Test­ing 
  • Cus­tomiz­able themes
  • Com­po­nents 
  • Usage exam­ples 

Why choose Ignite CLI? 

Ignite saves you time and mon­ey because you can choose exist­ing tem­plates for your project with­out build­ing it from scratch. For per­son­al­iza­tion, you can add per­son­al­ized boil­er­plates as well. 


2) Expo

react native app development - Expo tool


Expo is a free, open-source tool­chain and a cru­cial helper in React Native devel­op­ment. Expo devel­oped it around May 2017 to help deliv­er Android and iOS appli­ca­tions that cre­ate their ecosystems. 

What does Expo exact­ly do?

  • Makes upgrad­ing easy

Expo makes upgrad­ing an easy task and takes min­utes with­out the app’s store review process­es. It pro­vides the option of over-the-air updates, which hap­pens when the user opens the app. 

  • Avail­abil­i­ty of Expo SDK 

Expo SDK gives access to native APIs for both Android and iOS. So, it can sup­port many fea­tures, such as a bar­code scan­ner, a MapView, Image Pick­er, a cam­era, and more. 

  • Allows eject­ing 

You can eject out at any point, so you are always stuck with some­thing and have oth­er options to explore. For instance, if you’re using Expo and in the mid­dle, you expe­ri­ence the need for a library out of Expo, there’s an option to eject out. This fea­ture unpacks all the native code into iOS and Android folders. 


3) Flow and Typescript 

typeScript - react native development tool



Flow, like Type­script, is a frame­work that pro­motes sta­t­ic typ­ing in JavaScript. How­ev­er, Type­script is a lan­guage, and Flow is a tool, but both per­form the same func­tion and go well with React Native.

The dif­fer­ence between them is that Type­script uses.js files instead of .ts; there­fore, Flow is less of a commitment. 

Role of Flow and Typescript 

JavaScript leaves a lot of space for bugs because it lacks a type sys­tem. So devel­op­ers waste a lot of time debug­ging those com­mon mis­takes, and this is where Type­script and Flow come in. 

Type­script is a lan­guage for type safe­ty while work­ing with JavaScript because its syn­tax is ES-Next adap­tive. It lets you iden­ti­fy sil­ly errors dur­ing the devel­op­ment process so that you don’t have to focus on colos­sal mis­takes in production. 

Flow is a sta­t­ic type-check­er that can be eas­i­ly installed into your React Native Devel­op­ment sys­tem. Its pri­ma­ry func­tion is to check for JavaScript code errors and offer a hasty remedy. 


4) Microsoft CodePush 

Microsoft CodePush tool


Although React Native lets you reload instant­ly, devel­op­ers were thought to push updates to the end users direct­ly in pro­duc­tion. Then came Code­Push to allow app updates now to end users. Code­Push is a cloud ser­vice man­aged by Microsoft AppCentre. 

Role of Microsoft CodePush

Code­Push syn­chro­nizes JavaScript updates with any updates released to the serv­er of Code­Push, so users don’t need to update their app in the app store when this happens. 

When new updates arrive, Code­Push releas­es roll­backs, which include test­ing con­fig­u­ra­tions for dif­fer­ent devices and platforms. 

Read also: 6 Tools for Debug­ging React Native

Why Microsoft Codepush?

  • Allows over-the-air updates 
  • Acts as a cen­tral repository 
  • Deploy app updates direct­ly to end users


5) Nuclide

Nuclide - react native app development tool


A Nuclide is an IDE (Inte­grat­ed Devel­op­ment Envi­ron­ment) tool that is high­ly cus­tomized to enable devel­op­ers to improve the cod­ing of projects. The fea­tures of Nuclide open the door for scal­able and robust applications. 

In the con­text of devel­op­ment assis­tance, it offers fea­tures like inline errors, auto-com­plete, and jump-to-def­i­n­i­tion. A promi­nent developer’s com­mu­ni­ty trusts the tool, which also facil­i­tates built-in fea­tures that come into use when devel­op­ers get stuck with an error.

What exact­ly does Nuclide do?

The two best fea­tures that exten­sive­ly help React Native devel­op­ers in the soft­ware devel­op­ment job are: Open Source and React Native Tool.

The ser­vices pro­vid­ed by the tool include:

  • Built-in Debug­ging
  • Hack Devel­op­ment
  • JavaScript Devel­op­ment
  • Mer­cu­r­ial Support
  • Health Sta­tis­tics
  • Quick open 
  • Con­text view
  • Work­ing sets
  • Remote devel­op­ment
  • Task run­ner

Why choose Nuclide?

The Nuclide com­mu­ni­ty is enor­mous, and the sup­port you get from them is wide­spread. Anoth­er com­pelling rea­son it is pre­ferred for React Native Devel­op­ment is the hack­ing capa­bil­i­ty it provides. 


6) ESLint and TSLint

ESLint and TSLint - react native app development tool


Tools like ESLint and TSLint are inter­change­able in react native app devel­op­ment com­pa­ny. For some­one pre­fer­ring JavaScript, ESLint would be appro­pri­ate, and for some­one using Type­script, TSLint is a good option.

Both tools obey the rules of plug­gable link­ing. They help iden­ti­fy prob­lem­at­ic codes that need to match spe­cif­ic style guidelines. 

Role of ESLint and TSLint

A tool like ESLint analy­ses the issues in JS code very quick­ly and allows flex­i­bil­i­ty per the devel­op­er’s choice and project requirements. 

The debug­ging tool is trendy as it focus­es on code qual­i­ty and style.

The fea­tures of the tool that make it pop­u­lar are list­ed below:

  • You can reload rules as per your choice at any giv­en time
  • It is straight­for­ward to use
  • All the rules are default plug­gable and fol­low a sim­i­lar style for testing.

Why Choose ESLint and TSLint

When pro­gram­mers want to fol­low a stan­dard cod­ing style while work­ing on the same project, ESLint and TSLint can be extreme­ly help­ful in let­ting them do that. Fur­ther­more, they also pre­vent mis­takes by using inef­fi­cient code sec­tions and such linters.


7) React Navigation

React Navigation tool

React Nav­i­ga­tion

React Nav­i­ga­tion is excel­lent for tasks like rout­ing and han­dling nav­i­ga­tion with appli­ca­tions. It is one of the per­fect tools for solv­ing nav­i­ga­tion issues. All out-of-the-box tran­si­tions can be eas­i­ly imple­ment­ed with the tool. 

The nav­i­ga­tion sup­port­ed by the tool includes the following:

  • Stack Nav­i­ga­tion
  • Draw­er Navigation
  • Tab Bar
  • Deep Link­ing

What does React Nav­i­ga­tion Exact­ly Do?

The tools pro­vide stack nav­i­ga­tion and tabbed nav­i­ga­tion pat­terns for Android and iOS. The ser­vices offered by the tool include:

  • Built fea­tures for iOS and Android
  • Easy-to-cus­tomize JavaScript
  • Expan­si­ble Platforms

Why Choose React Navigation?

React Nav­i­ga­tion is a tool that makes the lives of devel­op­ers extreme­ly easy. Man­ag­ing mul­ti­ple mobile screens while ensur­ing smoother tran­si­tions could have been eas­i­er with a nav­i­ga­tion tool. Such issues are easy to mit­i­gate with React Nav­i­ga­tion’s easy-to-cus­tomize solutions.

8) Native­Base and React Native Paper 

Native Base is a free-to-use User Inter­face (UI) design tool. It is defined as an inno­v­a­tive, sleek, and util­i­ty-first com­po­nent library that enables build­ing cross-plat­form iOS and mobile applications. 

What do Native­Base and React Native Paper do?

The ser­vices pro­vid­ed by the tool include:

  • The tool takes the help of React Native gener­ic com­po­nents to enable such operation. 
  • It also allows the devel­op­ers to take advan­tage of cross-plat­form User Inter­face com­po­nents that accel­er­ate productivity.

Why Native Base and Native Paper

Both Native Base and Native Paper pro­vide an open-source frame­work that enables devel­op­ers to build high-qual­i­ty mobile appli­ca­tions across Android and iOS with ES6 fusion. It pro­vides devel­op­ers with an essen­tial com­po­nent set for devel­op­ing mobile applications.


9) Visu­al Stu­dio Code and Atom

Visual Studio Code and Atom


Visu­al Stu­dio Code is a Microsoft prod­uct, and an Inte­grat­ed Devel­op­ment Envi­ron­ment (IDE) used to write codes effi­cient­ly, quick­ly, and time in mul­ti­ple languages. 

It is a free, open-source, and pow­er­ful code edi­tor that works with com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with mul­ti­ple plat­forms, name­ly Mac, Linus, Win­dows, and oth­ers. The lan­guage used in writ­ing JavaScript codes includes Type­script, JavaScript, and Cas­cad­ing Style Sheets.

Atom is anoth­er text edi­tor tool that is open-source and free. Atom pro­vides com­pat­i­bil­i­ty to work with mul­ti­ple plat­forms such as Win­dows, Lin­ux, and OS X. Atom is writ­ten in the pro­gram­ming lan­guage called Electron.

What do Visu­al Stu­dio Code and Atoms Exact­ly do?

Visu­al Stu­dio Code comes with built-in fea­tures that facil­i­tate the following:

  • Con­nect­ing new themes, lan­guages, and ser­vices that process eas­i­er and faster debug­ging of codes
  • Intel­lisense smart cod­ing with extensions
  • GitHub’s inte­gra­tion with­in the tool makes cre­at­ing new branch­es, resolv­ing merge con­flicts, and cre­at­ing new branch­es with­in the device possible
  • A bet­ter user expe­ri­ence with cus­tomiz­able and exten­si­ble lan­guages, lay­outs, and themes
  • Saves ener­gy and time with cod­ing auto-com­ple­tion (sug­ges­tions)

The ser­vices pro­vid­ed by Atom include:

  • Edit­ing across cross-platforms
  • Built-in pack­ages
  • Auto-com­ple­tion (smart advice)
  • Cus­tomiz­able designs and themes
  • Brows­ing mul­ti­ple files in a sin­gle window

Why choose Visu­al Edit­ing Code and Atom?

Both are code edit­ing tools and pro­vide flex­i­bil­i­ty and ease to the devel­op­ers through their cross-plat­form approach and mul­ti­lin­gual facil­i­ties while pro­vid­ing auto-sug­ges­tions. Fur­ther, it sup­ports match­ing brack­ets, high­light­ing syn­tax, con­fig­ur­ing snip­pets, and fold­ing codes.

10) React­totron 

Reacttotron - react native development tool


Invent­ed by Infi­nite Red, Reac­totron is a desk­top appli­ca­tion that is open-source and free and per­forms across mul­ti­ple plat­forms, such as Lin­ux, Mac, and Win­dows. The tool is exten­sive­ly used by React devel­op­ers, offer­ing numer­ous services.

Role of Reactotron

One can eas­i­ly track real-time app func­tion­ing for pix­el-per­fect design com­po­nents. The fea­tures include:

  • API Responses/Requests
  • Action Dis­patch
  • Appli­ca­tion Status
  • Console.log mes­sages
  • Quick bench­marks

Why choose Reactotron?

With facil­i­ties like Real-time event time­lines and app func­tion­ing track­ing, devel­op­ers have pre­ferred it all across, and it comes free!


11) Redux

Redux - react native app development tool


Redux is used by devel­op­ers in Live Cod­ing while per­form­ing mobile appli­ca­tions that come with a time-trav­el­ing debug­ger. It is a free source that is open to all and is writ­ten in JavaScript.

Role of Redux

The Redux library enables the sim­pli­fi­ca­tion of com­plex and bulky code. The exclu­sive fea­tures of Redux include the following:

  • Cre­at­ing appli­ca­tions that are capa­ble of run­ning across mul­ti­ple plat­forms, includ­ing native, client, and server
  • Pro­vides easy appli­ca­tion testing

Why Choose Redux?

Besides being extreme­ly pop­u­lar in the domain of React Native, it has an expan­sive library of React, JavaScript, and React Native. Every devel­op­er must know the com­pul­so­ry Redux that will enable them to become pro­fi­cient React devel­op­ers and React Native experts.

Read also about How does react native works?

Key Take­aways 

React Native app devel­op­ment is a robust frame­work when paired right­ly with these tools. Always look for React Native App Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny devel­op­ers who take advan­tage of these avail­able RN devel­op­ment tools to the best of their ability. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the best React Native Development tools to use?

Some of the best React Native development tools are Redux, Microsoft CodeBase, Nuclide, Reactotron, React Navigation, and more. 

How to identify the best tools? 

Identify problems during app development and look for solutions in online libraries, communities, and trusted articles. This will lead you to the best React Native development tools. 

What do React Native development tools do?

Maintaining code with React Native development tools becomes easy. They help in delivering the apps faster and easier.

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