
Is React Native Smart Choice Over the Hybrid for Mobile App Devel­op­ment in 2021?

17 Mar 2021

A dish of Ital­ian food or a Mugh­lai treat, which one to go for? This might be the dilem­ma in your mind while order­ing food from a renowned and high­ly rat­ed food order­ing appli­ca­tion. But have you won­dered about the dilem­ma of the cre­ators behind this appli­ca­tion? There is a humon­gous amount of effort and time that goes into build­ing an appli­ca­tion that works seam­less­ly on your mobile phones with a friend­ly interface. 

One major predica­ment faced by mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ers is to choose between the devel­op­ment plat­forms- whether to give React Native the lead or go hand in hand with the for­mer frame­work- Hybrid? This one debate has tak­en the mobile devel­op­ment world by storm. While some devel­op­ers have already switched to 2015-orig­i­nat­ed React Native, oth­ers are still affil­i­at­ed with the old Hybrid. 

The ques­tion here is, which one would take the lead and why? 

React Native app development company

In this blog, the devel­op­ers and the poten­tial entre­pre­neurs or any oth­er busi­ness-lead­ing moguls will be able to form the right per­cep­tion and there­by the right choice for their wind­fall. We will talk in detail about:

« What is React Native?

« What is Hybrid?

« How React Native leaps against Hybrid?

« What do React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices have for businesses?

« An Inference

React Native: What is it?

React Native is an open-source appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment plat­form. It is wide­ly used to cul­ti­vate mobile appli­ca­tions for both Android and iOS. It has been in use since 2015 when it orig­i­nat­ed. Since then, React Native has proved to be a good friend of the devel­op­ers. React Native is orig­i­nal­ly a JavaScript frame­work designed to devel­op robust, high-fideli­ty, and high­ly accus­tomed mobile appli­ca­tions for var­i­ous busi­ness ven­tures and oth­er pro­fes­sions. In today’s dig­i­tal world, when mar­ket­ing emanates as a sig­nif­i­cant aspect in a vari­ety of pro­fes­sions, mobile appli­ca­tions have tak­en the lead in doing the work for you. 

If reach­ing out to a huge num­ber of peo­ple seems dif­fi­cult, if keep­ing the records seems a tire­some task, or even if you wish to uplift your busi­ness ven­ture a notch up, do con­sid­er devel­op­ing a mobile appli­ca­tion that reflects your work, describes the nature of your job, helps you to main­tain a good sta­tus among your competitors. 

After con­sid­er­ing devel­op­ing an appli­ca­tion, the next step is to choose the frame­work from which your appli­ca­tions should be devel­oped. Now, this moot has long been dis­cussed, yet not resolved.

  • Launched by Face­book in ear­ly 2015React Native devel­op­ment com­pa­nies make a con­sid­er­able prof­it from the enor­mous demands of var­i­ous busi­ness ven­tures, star­tups, Face­book cre­ators, Bloomberg, and many others. 
  • React Native appli­ca­tions are also designed using a com­bi­na­tion of JavaScript and XM-Esque markup, known as JSX
  • Then, under the vicin­i­ty, the React Native bridge’ con­jures the native ren­der­ing APIs in objec­tive Java for Android, where­as C for iOS. This allows the appli­ca­tion to ren­der using real UI com­po­nents, not web views, thus resem­bling any oth­er mobile application. 
  • Easy to work with, React Native is the pre­ferred choice of most developers. 

Hybrid: What is it?

Hybrid apps are appli­ca­tions that are formed after com­bin­ing native appli­ca­tions and web appli­ca­tions. These are the web apps that are put into the native app shells. Hybrid apps con­tain the ele­ments of both web and native appli­ca­tions. These appli­ca­tions are devel­oped by oper­at­ing HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and then even­tu­al­ly enclosed in the native appli­ca­tion using plat­forms such as Cordova.

  • The hybrid appli­ca­tions stand a chance to be a bit pop­u­lar because of the fea­ture that allows the code for mobile appli­ca­tions, thus being devel­oped to be writ­ten only once by the developers. 
  • Hybrid apps tend to add an extra lay­er between the source code and the tar­get platform. 
  • Hybrid apps are sim­i­lar to web apps in func­tion­ing. But, they can be down­loaded just like the native appli­ca­tions front app stores and play store. 
  • In hybrid apps, the ren­der­ing is done through the usage of the device’s brows­er. The ren­der­ing of HTML, JavaScript, and APIs is down through the device’s brows­er engine to access the device-spe­cif­ic hardware.
  • Hybrid apps have been in demand for a very long time. Get the per­fect blend of native app and web solu­tions to con­clude an effi­cient hybrid app that helps in your rapid growth.
  • Insta­gram, Uber, Gmail, and Twit­ter have been using the hybrid frame­work for a long time and have ben­e­fit­ted subsequently. 
  • Offline sup­port is not a prob­lem in hybrid appli­ca­tions. They can work even if the inter­net con­nec­tion is not avail­able. This fea­ture is a sig­nif­i­cant wind­fall of hybrid apps over oth­er frameworks. 
  • Apart from these advan­tages, hybrid apps are easy to main­tain for developers.

Read also: How Is React Native Dif­fer­ent From ReactJS?

Yet, the debate is not over. Whether it is the React Native apps or hybrid apps that will give your busi­ness a boost such that you take the path lead­ing to high­er alti­tudes is still in vac­il­la­tion. Let us now take a look at the fea­tures that make React Native a supe­ri­or frame­work to Hybrid.

  1. Smooth Endeav­our with the Advan­tage of High­er speed: React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment is done through the same com­po­nents that are used with native appli­ca­tions- both Android and iOS. On the oth­er hand, Hybrid apps were devel­oped to demon­strate a sim­ple web view wrapped up in a native con­tain­er and noth­ing more than that. The orig­i­nal­i­ty of the hybrid apps is lost and thus leads to friski­er quaHow React Native Leaps Against Hybrid?
  2. The unsat­is­fac­to­ry user expe­ri­ence of hybrid apps: with the bars of User Inter­faces and User Expe­ri­ence (UI/UX) risen to great heights over the past few years, Hybrid has not been able to reach those alti­tudes. Hybrid does­n’t seem to pro­vide a seam­less and user-friend­ly UI and UX to its end cus­tomers. Busi­ness­es that are not on the verge of com­pro­mis­ing on their cus­tomers’ expe­ri­ence tend to refrain from using hybrid apps since those can’t be trust­ed. When it comes to pro­vid­ing a con­nois­seur of ele­vat­ed user expe­ri­ence, max­i­mum sup­port goes to React Native apps. With React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices, both the users and the devel­op­ers gain con­fi­dence in min­i­miz­ing glitch­es in the applications. 
  3. qual­i­ty con­tent: The speed is com­pro­mised, the user expe­ri­ence is com­pro­mised, and the appli­ca­tion’s func­tion­ing is not smooth in a hybrid app. 
  4. Time and Effort Con­ser­va­tion: with sin­gle code­base nature, React Native app devel­op­ment com­pa­ny is at least a step ahead of the hybrid ones because of this mag­nan­i­mous fea­ture help­ing the devel­op­ers save their effort and their client, time. While talk­ing about the ben­e­fits of React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices over oth­er app devel­op­ment plat­forms, this par­tic­u­lar fea­ture is nev­er to be ignored. The major wind­fall of React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment is its abil­i­ty to use the sin­gle close for mul­ti­ple plat­forms with­out hav­ing to wor­ry about repeat­ed exertion. 
  5. Advan­tage of Reac­tJS Web Lan­guage: React native app devel­op­ment com­pa­nies use the con­cep­tu­al Reac­tJS web lan­guage to sup­port their appli­ca­tions. When jux­ta­pos­ing the two frame­works, the scale weighs heav­ier on the React Native side, sub­se­quent to the addi­tion of points one after the oth­er. React Native is built on JavaScript at its core, and thus, it’s eas­i­er for it to share the pro­gram­ming mod­el with Reac­tJS web lan­guage. Thus, React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment comes in handy as devel­op­ers can use the same con­cep­tu­al frame­work that has been uti­lized in the process of devel­op­ing Reac­tJS web apps. 
  6. Inte­gra­tion of Third Par­ty: Ini­tial­ly, when React Native emerged in 2015, it did not sup­port third-par­ty inte­gra­tion. But grad­u­al­ly, over time, with the demands has­ten­ing at a rapid degree, the need was felt to incul­cate this fea­ture for bet­ter mal­func­tion­ing and gain the trust of the mar­ket and cus­tomers. This led to faster adop­tion of the frame­work. Now, React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices pro­vide devel­op­ers with an afflu­ent open-source pol­i­cy that allows exter­nal inte­gra­tion. As a busi­ness ven­ture own­er, this fea­ture will win your cus­tomers’ hearts by inte­grat­ing exter­nal sys­tems to build cus­tom UI, pro­vid­ing flex­i­ble UI for you and your users.
  7. Reusable Com­po­nent of Native:  hybrid apps have been using the web view com­po­nent, which has lost its sig­nif­i­cance over time. Now, rather than using the same web view com­po­nent, the devel­op­ers are deter­mined to con­struct reusable blocks that can be direct­ly used in the native apps. This is anoth­er valu­able ele­ment of React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices that allow the devel­op­er to build a uni­form look, speed, and essen­tial func­tions of the native apps. This char­ac­ter­is­tic grants the devel­op­er leaps when using React Native because it allows it to arrive at a devel­op­ment approach rather than the ordi­nary hybrid app devel­op­ment approach. 
  8. Third-Par­ty Plu­g­in Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty: until now, you might have made up your mind to go for React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment. But here, let us add anoth­er six­er to the score­board. Read native not only allows third-par­ty inte­gra­tion, which cer­tain­ly becomes one of the major turn­ing points of your deci­sion but also allows their par­ty plu­g­in com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with the device. React Native would per­mit your app to assim­i­late the device’s inbuilt com­po­nents such as Cam­era, Sound, Blue­tooth, GPS, etc.
    With these advan­tages on the React side of the scale, the devel­op­ers do not need to encounter glitch­es in mem­o­ry usage or load­ing speed.
  9. Low Cod­ing and Min­i­mized Test­ing Effort: Anoth­er point scored by React Native is by per­mit­ting low cod­ing and reduc­ing the test­ing effort. React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment is has­sle-free for the devel­op­ers and thus cho­sen by a major­i­ty of them. Devel­op­ers are not required to write the code again and again sub­se­quent­ly for dif­fer­ent plat­forms. Once done, they can sit back and relax. The same code can be used for both Android and iOS, there­by deduct­ing the code and effort by half. Since code is not rewrit­ten, again and again, it does not require metic­u­lous test­ing after each endeavor. 
  10. Nil rewrit­ing: React Native does not require the devel­op­er to cre­ate the code right from scratch each time. Rather, it allows him to inte­grate the native ele­ments into the oper­at­ing sys­tem’s app code. 
  11. Top Brands and Com­pa­nies are Choos­ing React Native: all the the­o­ry that we or any oth­er blog will give you is irrel­e­vant if there’s no evi­dence of our log­i­cal the­sis. But, here, we pro­vide scru­ti­nized evi­dence and talk on an empir­i­cal basis and not throw out praise in the air. The extent of React Native adop­tion has reached bug tech com­pa­nies like Face­book, Tes­la, Wal­mart, etc. This is enough to pro­vide you with instances back­ing our the­o­ry of React Native as the bet­ter and more obe­di­ent one of all.

Enough of talk­ing now; let’s look at how you can ben­e­fit from the React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices in real-time.

 What do React Native app devel­op­ment ser­vices have for businesses?

  Com­ing straight away to the point, let us peek at the ben­e­fi­cia­ries of using React Native for busi­ness ventures. 

  • Since its great­est advan­tage over oth­er frame­works is the reduc­tion of devel­op­ment time, it can prove to be a suit­able choice once made for your busi­ness ven­ture. While think­ing of run­ning a start­up, entre­pre­neurs seek to snatch time from here and there and give it to the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty they can bring about in their busi­ness. Yet, a lot of time is lost in devel­op­ing appli­ca­tions that are oth­er­wise meant to help your busi­ness grow. But, with React Native cus­tom app devel­op­ment ser­vices, this time is con­served and yield­ed to oth­er essen­tial com­po­nents of the business.
  • Fur­ther­more, you do not want your user to have to deal with repeat­ed­ly occur­ring glitch­es in your appli­ca­tion sys­tem. To reduce this pos­si­bil­i­ty of an unsat­is­fac­to­ry user expe­ri­ence, go for React Native as it will help you and your cus­tomers to have an incred­i­bly smooth expe­ri­ence while using the application.
  • Although it might not inter­est you, it is of cru­cial inter­est to the devel­op­er that the React Native plat­form pro­vides them to inte­grate third-par­ty plugins. 

An infer­ence: 

Sum­ming up the gru­el­ing debate above, we would like to focus on the sig­nif­i­cance of using React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices for your busi­ness ven­ture. Choos­ing the right tech­nol­o­gy is one thing that is para­mount to the suc­cess of the busi­ness, so make sure that you ana­lyze every­thing before mak­ing a deci­sion. If you are still con­fused about which tech­nique is right for your idea, con­tact us. We offer you a free consultation!

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