
Which Is Best For Your Mobile App: React Native Or Flutter?

11 Jan 2023

Imag­ine a life with­out mobile apps. 

Sounds dif­fi­cult? Well, over 6 bil­lion smart­phone users on the plan­et agree with you! 

Research by App Annie (Source: App Annie) shows that 204 bil­lion mobile appli­ca­tions were installed in 2019!  Not only that, but the app’s rev­enue has reached $33 bil­lion in the first half of 2022.

You should con­sid­er React native or Flut­ter app devel­op­ment if you plan to launch an iOS or Android mobile app. After choos­ing the best plat­form for your mobile app devel­op­ment, you can search for good React Native devel­op­ment ser­vices or Flut­ter devel­op­ment companies.

And you will need to make a choice: whom to hire Flut­ter or React Native developer. 

And that’s where we will help you! 

Here, we have cre­at­ed a head-to-head com­par­i­son between React Native and Flut­ter. By the end of the arti­cle, you will have a clear idea of who won. 

Let’s find out which is best for your mobile app–React Native or Flutter!

What Exact­ly Is React Native Frameworks? 

Face­book’s React Native is an open-source JavaScript Mobile Frame­work that spe­cial­izes in devel­op­ing mobile apps for Android and iOS. The basis of React Native is Reac­tJS in the JavaScript library, which helps cre­ate a user inter­face per­fect for mobile applications.

There are two ways in which React Native can be used in mobile app development: 

  1. Direct­ly inside the Android and IOS apps
  2. Build­ing the React Native app from scratch. 

Top react native apps

Some mobile appli­ca­tions run­ning on React Native include Face­book, Pin­ter­est, Skype, and others.

Advan­tages of Using React Native

    1. Reusable Codes Enabling Native Look and Feel
      The React Native frame­work allows devel­op­ers to build cross-plat­form appli­ca­tions that work across Android and IOS.
    1. Live Reload
      The app devel­op­ment and test­ing in React Native are easy, as the changes are avail­able right after the code is saved. Fur­ther, there’s no issue with code com­pi­la­tion that makes it more accessible.
    1. Com­po­nent Flexibility
      React Native offers native com­po­nents like Text, View, and Image that change when the app is shift­ed to an Android or iOS device.

What is the Dis­ad­van­tage of Using React Native?

  1. Unfore­seen Life Cycle
    React Native is a new­er con­cept in the mar­ket, due to which its life cycle isn’t accu­rate­ly assessed. Thus, this fac­tor can become a problem.
  1. A New­er Concept
    Appli­ca­tions on React Native are built on JSX, which can be dif­fi­cult and chal­leng­ing for devel­op­ers, espe­cial­ly freshers.

A brief on Flutter

Flut­ter has been in the mar­ket longer than React Native; pre­vi­ous­ly, it was called the Sky. How­ev­er, the new ver­sion of Flut­ter was released in 2019 after imple­ment­ing changes per the user’s feedback. 

react native development services

The plat­form is open-source and reflects Dart pro­gram­ming lan­guages like C++. For devel­op­ers, Flut­ter gives them an edge in work­ing with fea­tures like geolo­ca­tion, cam­era, stor­age, net­work, and a lot more.

Advan­tages of using Flutter

    1. Easy Cod­ing
      Flut­ter does not require heavy cod­ing; thus, devel­op­ers need­n’t depend on using Javascript.
    1. Renewed Fea­tures
      Flut­ter comes up with renewed fea­tures for func­tion­al­i­ties and mech­a­nisms for cus­tomiza­tion and excel­lent user experience. 

Dis­ad­van­tages of using Flutter

    1. Needs Improve­ment
      Despite Flut­ter’s attempts to improve it requires a lot of updates in future versions. 
    1. Restric­tions
      Due to lim­it­ed third-par­ty libraries in Flut­ter, devel­op­ers have to use short­cuts. This increas­es the dif­fi­cul­ty in devel­op­ing apps quickly.

Fac­tors To Con­sid­er While Choos­ing the Right Mobile Appli­ca­tion Devel­op­ment Platform 

Check out the sig­nif­i­cant fac­tors while choos­ing the best plat­form for your mobile app devel­op­ment (React Native and Flut­ter as com­par­i­son sources).

  1. Devel­op­ment Time


    Flut­ter uses two dif­fer­ent pro­gram­ming lan­guages for IOS and Android, so the appli­ca­tions are sep­a­rate­ly devel­oped on both plat­forms. When a code is changed, the entire process of build­ing the app has to start again.

    React Native: 

    React Native sup­ports the devel­op­ment of appli­ca­tions on the two giv­en plat­forms — iOS and Android with the help of native UI ele­ments. Instead, it runs on JavaScript for both Android and IOS. The best part about it is hot reload­ing. And hence, due to rapid devel­op­ment, React Native pro­vides a faster time to mar­ket than Flutter. 

    Who wins: React Native wins on the devel­op­ment time. 
  1. Mobile App Cost

    To deter­mine the cost of Rect native mobile app devel­op­ment, you must know the:

    • Fea­tures you are look­ing for in the mobile app
    • Total num­ber of react native devel­op­ers to hire
    • Devel­op­ment budget 

    React Native: 

    As per reports, the cost of devel­op­ing mobile appli­ca­tions on React Native can be reduced to 3035% due to:

    • React com­po­nent reusability
    • Sin­gle code base
    • Eas­i­er maintenance
    • Takes 3335% less devel­op­ment time than the Flut­ter app


    Since Flut­ter, devel­op­ers have to work on two sep­a­rate UIs for Android and iOS, the cost is high­er than React Native. 

    Who Wins: React Native takes an edge over the cost fac­tor of mobile app development. 
  1. UI/UX Expe­ri­ence

    React Native

    In React Native, devel­op­ers can reuse and write plat­form-spe­cif­ic codes. How­ev­er, the chal­lenge in React Native devel­op­ment is cre­at­ing a com­plex user inter­face that involves nav­i­ga­tion, seam­less cus­tom views, pat­terns, tran­si­tions, and animations. 

    Flut­ter: This is not the sce­nario with Flut­ter since the design­ing for Android app devel­op­ment and iOS devel­op­ment are done indi­vid­u­al­ly. This helps in a bet­ter UI/UX expe­ri­ence with Flutter.

    Who wins: Flut­ter wins over the fac­tor of UI/UX design­ing in mobile app development.

Read also: Is React Native Smart Choice Over the Hybrid for Mobile App Devel­op­ment in 2021?

  1. Scal­a­bil­i­ty 

    React Native: React Native gives devel­op­ers an inbound oppor­tu­ni­ty to process more work in an app and launch updates with high functionality. 

    Flut­ter: Flut­ter pro­vides lim­it­ed oppor­tu­ni­ty for scal­a­bil­i­ty, as updates and func­tions are lim­it­ed. Thus, scal­a­bil­i­ty in React Native is much high­er in com­par­i­son to Flutter.

    Who wins: React Native wins over the fac­tor of Scal­a­bil­i­ty in mobile app development.
  1. Per­for­mance

    React Native: React Native is asso­ci­at­ed with JavaScript, mean­ing there is only one ded­i­cat­ed device thread. It can­not accom­mo­date mul­ti­ple asyn­chro­nous activ­i­ties at one time. Fur­ther, the frame­work isn’t very sup­port­ive of mul­ti­ple func­tion­al­i­ties and mod­ules. As a result, it’s dif­fi­cult to build com­plex apps with native device features.

    Flut­ter: For Flut­ter, the Android lan­guage is Java or Kotlin, which works bet­ter for advanced hard­ware devices, and fea­tures and ini­ti­ates heavy cal­cu­la­tions. Devel­op­ers find it easy to cre­ate appli­ca­tions using native technologies.

    Who wins: Flut­ter wins here due to its abil­i­ty to accom­mo­date com­plex app functions. 
  1. Sup­port and Maintenance

    Flut­ter: Main­tain­ing appli­ca­tions with Flut­ter can be time-con­sum­ing and tedious. It comes from the fact that there are two ends to focus on and resolve indi­vid­u­al­ly. Devel­op­ers have to focus on Android and iOS ver­sions sep­a­rate­ly to remove bugs and address users’ issues. 

    React Native: With React Native mobile appli­ca­tion devel­op­ment, there is only one end for both React Native iOS and Android apps. Hence, resolv­ing bugs is easy and less time-con­sum­ing. Thus, app main­te­nance is more man­age­able with React Native than with Flutter. 

    Who wins: React Native wins here due to easy maintenance. 

These were the cri­te­ria on which we tried to study the effi­ca­cy of React Native and Flut­ter. Now, in the lat­ter part of the blog, let us look at the con­clu­sions drawn from the factors.

When Should You Go For Flut­ter Mobile App Devel­op­ment Services?

Choose Flut­ter app devel­op­ment ser­vices when you want to:

  • Keep your app UI cen­tered and build MVP quick­ly to launch it 
  • Build a util­i­ty appli­ca­tion that relies on native fea­tures. For exam­ple, play­ing videos in the appli­ca­tion’s back­ground or an app that can con­trol the brightness
  • Devel­op IoT-based apps
  • Pay more focus to the native user experience
  • Aim to devel­op mobile apps that per­form at a speed of 60 to 120 FPS 
  • Have a tight budget 

When Should You Go For React Native Mobile App Devel­op­ment Services?

Choose React Native App Devel­op­ment over Flut­ter as an ide­al solu­tion when you:

  • Wish to cre­ate pro­gres­sive cross plat­forms apps like Face­book and Insta­gram that will grow over time. 
  • You are bound due to bud­get. Since React Native works with a sin­gle code­base, you won’t need to devel­op apps for mul­ti­ple plat­forms. More­over, one set of JavaScript devel­op­ers can work on the app with­out requir­ing native app developers.
  • React Native is high­ly flex­i­ble, which means mul­ti­ple devel­op­ers can work on a sin­gle project simul­ta­ne­ous­ly and com­plete the project in record time! 
  • React Native frame­work has sev­er­al short­cuts which improve the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of devel­op­ers. For exam­ple, with hot reload­ing, devel­op­ers don’t have to reload the entire app if they make changes. And when devel­op­ers are pro­duc­tive, you can bet that the app will turn out well. 

Why is React Native a Pre­ferred Devel­op­ment Plat­form for Startups?

React Native is a preva­lent one among start-up com­pa­nies. Below are the rea­sons that prove it:

    1. Tar­get Var­ied Audience 

      With React Native, the appli­ca­tion can be launched on both plat­forms, i.e., iOS and Android. 

    2. Bud­get

      When you don’t want to invest heav­i­ly, React Native becomes an ide­al choice as the devel­op­ment cost is low.

    3. Com­bat­ing Launch Dilemma

      The app launch time is one occa­sion that must be decid­ed by look­ing at and study­ing the market’s struc­ture. With React Native, the launch is easy as it hap­pens simul­ta­ne­ous­ly on both plat­forms with­out delay.

React Native Vs. Flut­ter!: What’s Your Choice?

react native vs flutter

React Native has gained pop­u­lar­i­ty because it is easy to use and is flex­i­ble to sup­port the devel­op­ment of var­i­ous web app solutions.

How­ev­er, Flut­ter is a strong com­peti­tor to React Native, and it indeed has a promis­ing future backed by Google.

If you decide to go with React Native choose React Native App Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny. This is a lead­ing native app devel­op­ment ser­vice firm in the USA with a strong case study port­fo­lio and a team of expe­ri­enced developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is React Native similar to Native App development services?

No, React Native is the JavaScript on which an app is built. It works for Android as well as iOS. It is a cross-platform application that works on a single codebase: JavaScript with JSX.

Is React Native slower than Native?

No, there is no speed problem with React Native.

Is React Native better than Flutter?

While React Native takes less development time and maintains cross-platform usage, Flutter is good at UI/UX design. So depending upon your requirements, you can choose one of them. 

How much time does developing a React Native app take to develop?

One feature in the React Native app could take 40 hours to develop. A complex part can take up to 100 hours, too. 

How much does React Native App Development cost?

The development cost of a React Native application depends on many factors, such as app complexity, functionality, and others. All of these influence the cost of development. The cost can vary from $30,000 to $100,000.

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