
Things To Keep In Mind While Hir­ing React Native Developers

23 Nov 2022

React Native has become the fastest-grow­ing tech­nol­o­gy for devel­op­ing iOS and Android apps. That’s why sev­er­al apps are built in React Native, such as Face­book, Insta­gram, Uber Eats, Skype, Pin­ter­est, Dis­cord, and Airbnb. 

With the avail­abil­i­ty of many react native devel­op­ment com­pa­nies in the USA, hir­ing React Native devel­op­ers is time tak­ing. Though, we have made it a lit­tle eas­i­er for you by bring­ing this ulti­mate guide, where­in we focus on the fol­low­ing aspects of hir­ing effi­cient RN developers:

#1. Advan­tages of React Native for App Development 

#2. List of hard skills to look for while hir­ing React Native developers 

#3. List of soft skills to look for while hir­ing React Native developers

#4. How much does it cost to hire React Native Devel­op­ers?

And we end the arti­cle with fre­quent­ly asked ques­tions regard­ing RN soft­ware development.

Let’s get started:

What Are The Advan­tages of Using React Native for App Development 

  • Cross-Plat­form Mobile Appli­ca­tion Devel­op­ment 

The most sig­nif­i­cant advan­tage of React Native frame­work must be the max­i­mum reusabil­i­ty of code on mul­ti­ple oper­at­ing sys­tems: iOS and Android. There is no need to cre­ate a sep­a­rate sin­gle code­base for dif­fer­ent platforms. 

  • Cost-effi­cient and speedy App development 

Thanks to the open source and reusabil­i­ty of code, app devel­op­ment with React Native is cost effec­tive because there is no require­ment for two sep­a­rate devel­op­er teams for iOS and Android. Also, a few in-built fea­tures in React Native fur­ther speed up the devel­op­ment process in less time. 

  • Native look 

Apps devel­oped with React Native have a native look and feel because React Native com­po­nents map 1:1 with native devel­op­ment com­po­nents. Also, there’s enough space for apps to be aligned with Human Inter­face Guide­lines (for iOS) and Mate­r­i­al Design (for Android). 

  • Eas­i­ly avail­able com­mu­ni­ty support 

React Native was devel­oped in 2015 to ful­fill the devel­op­er com­mu­ni­ty’s needs. As a result, it has thou­sands of active con­trib­u­tors across all plat­forms. There is always react flux to solve your queries in sec­onds, and loads of tuto­ri­als are also available. 

  • Respon­sive UX/UI Design 

With React Native, cre­at­ing UX/UI design with the least load­ing time becomes easy. Native libraries also pro­vide solu­tions for an inter­ac­tive user experience. 

List Of Hard Skills To Look For While Hir­ing React Native Developers 

#1. JavaScript competency

React Native is based on JavaScript, which enables full cross-plat­form func­tion­al­i­ty in apps. So, the ded­i­cat­ed react native devel­op­ers you hire must have in-depth knowl­edge of JavaScript. While hir­ing, ask tech­ni­cal ques­tions like if they are famil­iar with JavaScript ES6 or high­er and all the relat­ed tech­ni­cal­i­ties and functionalities. 

#2. Famil­iar­i­ty With React Native Components 

A React Native devel­op­er must know the React Native com­po­nents, such as:

  • JSX 
  • Vir­tu­al DOM 
  • Com­po­nent lifecycle 

Apart from these, a soft­ware engi­neer React Devel­op­er must know how to han­dle and cus­tomize the props. 

#3. Cod­ing Approach 

One of the fun­da­men­tal tasks of a devel­op­er is to gen­er­ate clear and main­tain­able code which should be reusable. Go through their cod­ing process and look for the mea­sures they used to keep their codes com­pre­hen­sive. Make sure they are well informed about the following:

  • CSS
  • SQLite 
  • Process of inter­ac­tion between dif­fer­ent class­es of codes

#4. Knowl­edge Of Relat­ed Tools, Libraries, And Plugins 

Hire devel­op­ers that know relat­ed tools of React Native, such as

  • Redux 
  • React 
  • Axios
  • MobX
  • Bow­er 
  • Gulp 
  • Enzyme
  • Hock­ey app

Tools like enzyme, hock­eyapp, and bow­er do full-stack devel­op­ment and test­ing. These tools are essen­tial in devel­op­ing react native app devel­op­ment ser­vices. For instance, state man­age­ment libraries like MobX and Redux give oper­a­tional con­trol over app log­ic, which results in the faster run­ning of the app. 

#5. Expe­ri­ence with iOS and Android plat­forms 

Look for devel­op­ers with expe­ri­ence in cross-plat­form app devel­op­ment, i.e., both iOS and Android up-and-run­ning apps. They should thor­ough­ly under­stand pro­gram­ming lan­guages like Swift, Kotlin, and Objective‑C that are used in shift­ing an exist­ing iOS and Android app to React Native. In-depth knowl­edge of the tech­ni­cal com­pli­ca­tions of build­ing tools like Android Stu­dio, Visu­al Stu­dio Code, and Xcode is also appreciated. 

#6. Test­ing and debug­ging skills

Hire a devel­op­er that is well-versed in the prin­ci­ples and the tools used to per­form test­ing and debug­ging. A devel­op­er must know how to com­pile and test and debug a code. Test­ing includes iden­ti­fy­ing app errors, includ­ing per­for­mance, sign-in, and secu­ri­ty checks. Con­firm famil­iar­i­ty with type-check­ing tools such as: 

  • Type­script 
  • Jest 
  • Prop Types 
  • Flows 

And more  

#7. Abil­i­ty to opti­mize appli­ca­tion performance 

Look for devel­op­ers that have set strate­gies to opti­mize appli­ca­tion per­for­mance and pro­vide appro­pri­ate nav­i­ga­tion strate­gies for a bet­ter User Expe­ri­ence (UX) using React Native nav­i­ga­tion tools. They should use only high-per­for­mance com­po­nents and not a scroll view to ren­der huge lists. Make sure they man­age UI drops to keep a min­i­mum ani­ma­tion size. Look for com­pe­ten­cy in per­for­mance mon­i­tor­ing frame­works, such as: 

  • ESLint
  • Pret­ti­er 
  • Husky 
  • Her­mes
  • use­Memo hooks

And more

List of soft skills to look for while hir­ing React Native developers 

Hard skills get the job done but React Native devel­op­ers must have a few soft skills. 

 #1. Time management 

Most React Native devel­op­ers have set dead­lines to work towards. So, time man­age­ment is a skill that becomes very impor­tant. You can always track the time a par­tic­u­lar devel­op­er takes to get the work done by employ­ing time-track­ing tools, which are very pop­u­lar in the pre­vail­ing work-from-home culture. 

#2. Com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills 

React Native devel­op­ers don’t need to be ora­tors, but they should be able to com­mu­ni­cate dur­ing client meet­ings and when you need cus­tomer sup­port. A good coder shouldn’t just write clean codes but also be able to share the idea behind it well. 

#3. Team player 

A React Native devel­op­er doesn’t work alone. Cod­ing, test­ing, debug­ging, and a sin­gle mem­ber can’t do pro­to­typ­ing. It requires a team of devel­op­ers to build a suc­cess­ful app. So, a devel­op­er should know how to work in teams with total efficiency.

How much does it cost to hire React Native Developers?

After going through all this infor­ma­tion, you must con­sid­er the cost of hir­ing React Native devel­op­ers. The cost falls between $10,000 – $40,000 but there is no one answer to this ques­tion as the price depends on many fac­tors, including:

  • Com­plex­i­ties of the project 

You should know the kind of appli­ca­tion you want at the end and the need­ed resources to make the same. A clear under­stand­ing of the app’s goals and objec­tives gives you a clear pic­ture. The price will be slight­ly high­er if you want a ful­ly fea­tured app than an essen­tial one. 

  • Expe­ri­ence and Work Port­fo­lio 

If you’re approach­ing devel­op­ers who have expe­ri­ence work­ing with vast com­pa­nies, have some big names in their work port­fo­lio, and have excel­lent reviews and case studies/testimonials, then they will charge more. 

How­ev­er, you can look for a junior or mid­dle-lev­el React Native devel­op­er with expe­ri­ence work­ing on sim­i­lar projects to yours.

Some oth­er impor­tant fac­tors that play a role in decid­ing the cost of react native devel­op­ment ser­vices are the geo­graph­i­cal loca­tion, the project man­age­ment time­line to com­plete devel­op­ment, and the size of the app.

Before hir­ing, learn about the hir­ing mod­els for react native mobile app devel­op­ment. There are three engage­ment mod­els that devel­op­ers use:

  • Project-based hir­ing 

This engage­ment mod­el is suit­ed for those who know their require­ments very well. In this mod­el, devel­op­ers and clients agree on a spe­cif­ic price; if noth­ing sig­nif­i­cant changes, the price remains the same. After giv­ing a project to devel­op­ers, the client con­stant­ly checks in dur­ing the app devel­op­ment process. 

  • Hourly based hiring

This engage­ment mod­el is suit­ed for small-sized apps that don’t involve a com­plex back-end and front-end or for those who want to shift an exist­ing iOS or Android app to React Native. Some devel­op­ers may stretch the num­ber of work­ing hours to make more mon­ey, so clients will have to check in dur­ing the process of con­stant­ly hiring. 

Some busi­ness­es are only con­cerned with the qual­i­ty and func­tion­al­i­ty of an app because they have the bud­get. In such cas­es, a full-time hir­ing mod­el is a good option.

Read more about How does react native works? & Debug­ging React Native

Wrap­ping up!

We hope you choose to hire the right React Native devel­op­er for your app require­ments. If you are from a non-tech back­ground, hir­ing a team of RN devel­op­ers is not straight­for­ward because you wouldn’t know which ques­tions to ask. How­ev­er, now that you are equipped with the tech­ni­cal­i­ties of React Native and hybrid app devel­op­ment, you will ask the right questions.

Read also about Unleash­ing the Pow­er of React Native Her­mes: Enhanc­ing Per­for­mance and Shap­ing the Future

If you want to for­go the entire process of hir­ing and fir­ing, choose us! We at React Native App Devel­op­ment Com­pa­ny con­stant­ly source tal­ent­ed React Native devel­op­ers you can trust with your projects! Choose us to hire the best team of devel­op­ers for your react native app devel­op­ment requirements!

Frequently Asked Questions

What skills should a React Native developer have?

A React Native developer should have a strong understanding of JavaScript, React.js, and React Native framework. Additionally, knowledge of mobile app development, UI/UX design, and familiarity with RESTful APIs is beneficial.

What is the average salary of a React Native developer?

The average salary of a React Native developer varies depending on factors such as location, experience, and company size. In general, a React Native developer's salary can range from $60,000 to $120,000 per year, with variations based on the aforementioned factors.

Can React Native developers build both iOS and Android apps?

Yes, React Native developers can build apps for both iOS and Android platforms. React Native allows for writing code once and deploying it to both platforms, saving development time and effort.

How long does it take to develop a React Native app?

The development time for a React Native app depends on various factors, such as the complexity of the app, desired features, team size, and experience level. Generally, a simple app may take a few weeks to develop, while more complex apps may take several months.

Can existing native apps be migrated to React Native?

Yes, existing native apps can be migrated to React Native. However, the migration process depends on the complexity of the existing app and the extent of code reuse possible. It's advisable to consult with experienced React Native developers or agencies for a smooth and efficient migration process.

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